Keith Busse School of Business and Entrepreneurial Leadership

The Best in Business

Tyler, Jacob and Kaitlynn are top students. When it was time for college, they had options. They chose Busse and think you should, too! See why below.

Start here! Apply to learn about your scholarship eligibility.

Why Choose Busse?

  1. You’ll get hired
    “My parents liked the Busse School of Business because they knew that companies in Fort Wayne love to hire their graduates. That proved true for me: In November of my senior year, I was hired by Credent Wealth Management. I’ll start as an Investment Analyst in June, after graduation.” — Tyler Rickert ’22, Finance major

    Busse Business School students network with the Fort Wayne business community. Many, like Tyler, are hired prior to graduation. USF has a 97% career success rate!
  2. You’ll learn from expert and supportive faculty
    “The professors in the Busse School are 100% amazing. They have incredible professional experience and are so intelligent and supportive. They really care about us, too and want us to succeed. These are the people helping us start out in the field. It’s no wonder the students do so well.” — Jacob Bosco ’25, Accounting major
  3. We have generous scholarships!
    “USF offers a lot of money for academic scholarships and that can really offset the cost. With a good GPA, you can get $20,000 per year, plus smaller scholarships.” — Kaitlynn Welker ’24, Business Administration major

    USF Scholarships: Once you apply, you’re automatically considered (no extra app!)
    • Academic Scholarships: $15,000-$20,000 (renewable each year)
    • Transfer Academic Scholarships: $5,000-$10,000 (renewable)
    • Catholic Scholarship: $4,000 for first-time Catholic students (renewable)
    • Free tuition for Indiana residents who qualify for full Pell award and state of Indiana aid

Busse School of Business Degrees

  • Accounting, BS
    • Accounting, BS, CPA track—Graduate prepared to sit for the CPA exam; Save a full year of study!
  • Business Administration, BS
  • Financial Services, BS
  • Marketing, BS
  • Sports Management, BS

Plus, our EPIC Program (Experiential Program with Integrated Cooperatives)—A two-year co-op program for Business majors, offers:

  • Paid internships
  • Two years professional experience
  • Executive mentorship